Each new year, many people make resolutions, or set new goals. Author and speaker Jimmy Page (https://myfaithradio.com/authors/jimmy-page/) shares about choosing one word for the next year, from his book, “One Word That Will Change Your Life.” (https://www.amazon.com/Word-That-Will-Change-Expanded/dp/1118809424/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=jimmy+page+one+word&qid=1610573396&sr=8-1) Jimmy shares tips for choosing your word, and staying focused on your goals. He also shares about his devotional, “Daily Wisdom for Men: A 365-Day Devotional – Encouragement to Be a Man of Integrity, Strength, and Wisdom Every Day (https://a.co/d/aPh4avk) .”
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