On this best of Mornings with Carmen, guest host Paul Perrault talks with Collin Hansen (https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/profile/collin-hansen/) , editor in chief of The Gospel Coalition, who shares about the top theological news stories of the year and the reasons that people have been giving for leaving the church. International Christian Concern (https://www.persecution.org/) ‘s Jeff King unpacks the need for praying specifically for those who feel so far gone, that they’d be radically changed by the power of the Gospel. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here (https://give.unwsp.edu/site/Donation2?df_id=3342&3342.donation=form1&utm_source=myfaithradio.com&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=frn_podcasts)