God has a plan for your life. Dr. Alex McFarland (https://alexmcfarland.com/) joins Bill to share how we stay in God’s will, become more like Christ every day, and more. Later, Pastor Mike Johnson (https://www.faithsf.com/our-leaders-and-staff) shares from John 4:1-26 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%204%3A1-26&version=NIV) as he talks about God’s saving grace and purposes, how Jesus goes through barriers to reach our hearts, and more. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here (https://give.unwsp.edu/site/Donation2?df_id=3342&3342.donation=form1&utm_source=myfaithradio.com&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=frn_podcasts)