Our unofficial panel of menfolk are back. Jeff Verdoorn (https://myfaithradio.com/authors/jeff-verdoorn/) , Pastor Tom Parrish (https://toeternity.org/about-tom/) and Dr. Greg Bourgond (https://myfaithradio.com/authors/greg-bourgond/) join Bill to give their unique male perspectives on listener questions. They study Acts 18:24-26 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=acts+18%3A24-26&version=ESV) , discuss how our identity and worth is found in Christ alone and nothing else, when or if you need to be baptized, offer up advice to anyone feeling spiritually exhausted, discuss how to break out of the same sin, and more. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here (https://give.unwsp.edu/site/Donation2?df_id=3342&3342.donation=form1&utm_source=myfaithradio.com&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=frn_podcasts) This conversation originally took place on June 6, 2024