Ryan Senters (https://www.ohanaaz.org/our-team) , CEO and Founder of Ohana, talks about trusting in God to provide even when you can’t see how things will come together and the purpose the Lord has given him to redeem kids stories. Ross Chapman, author of “Faithful Work (https://www.amazon.com/Faithful-Work-Daily-Grind-Others/dp/1514007916) ,” shares about the mission for all Christians to show others how God wants us to live life to the fullest. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here (https://give.unwsp.edu/site/Donation2?df_id=3342&3342.donation=form1&utm_source=myfaithradio.com&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=frn_podcasts)