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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


The Dr. Linda Mintle Show

Cleaning up the clutter in your life

Doctor Linda Mintle photo
Dr. Linda Mintle

Clutter, that stuff strewn everywhere that can make us anxious and stressed. It clogs up our lives and can lead to relationship fights and even unsafe conditions in our homes. Additionally, clutter can affect our focus and trigger avoidance as a coping mechanism when we feel overwhelmed.

To deal with clutter, tackle small things one at a time. Spend 30 minutes a day on a space that needs de-cluttering and over time, you will see a difference.  Fill a trash bag and give away unused items. If you need to, negotiate cleanup with family members or a friend. Start today.

I can’t help thinking that as we work on cleaning up our personal spaces, we should consider cleaning up our spiritual clutter as well. Spiritual clutter involves those things that come between you and the Lord. It can be negative thoughts, holding on to resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness and pride. All of those clog up our relationship with the Lord and block His blessings.

Now, to deal with spiritual clutter, examine your heart for things that exist but should not. Begin with Psalm 139: 23: “Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”

Then pay attention to what the Holy Spirit brings to mind. It can be anything that offends or needs attention in your life. Be open. Look for those things that block your relationship with Christ.

For example, Ephesians 4:31-32 states, “Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” If you feel bitter, it’s time to put that away and release it to the Lord.

If you are holding on to anger, identify the source and then let it go. Anger can eat away at your soul and cause undue stress and heartache. It’s damaging spiritual clutter. If you need help with anger problems, read my pocketsize book, Breaking Free from Anger and Unforgiveness. It will direct you to physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual solutions to let go of anger.

So, do a bit of self-examination: What is in your spiritual closet that needs discarding? What gets in your way of living a life devoted to God? What do you need to sort and clean up? How can you free up space for God and allow His spirit to lead you, reorient and guide you? As you answer these questions, ask God to do what Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” Only then can you clean out the clutter and rest in his presence.

About Dr. Linda Mintle

Dr. Linda Mintle is a national expert on relationships and the psychology of food, weight and body image.
clutter , Relationships , Rest