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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


The Dr. Linda Mintle Show

What it means to judge not and 10 ways to stop

Doctor Linda Mintle photo
Dr. Linda Mintle

It’s built in us. We don’t like injustice or unfair treatment. So we tend to judge those around us or in the news.  But it is clear that the Bible instructs us, ”Do not judge or you too will be judged.” So how do we walk out this verse from Matthew 7 in everyday life?

When you judge someone, you punish, condemn or conclude. Judging is the opposite of love. And the Bible warns against it as it elevates us above others, and we can’t always know what is in someone’s heart.

To help us fulfill this mandate not to judge, here are 10 tips to put on the breaks when it comes to judgment:

  1. Pause before you speak-It is so easy to lash out at someone and have a self—righteous attitude but take a moment to think before you speak. Don’t send that nasty text or write an email when you are upset. You can’t take those words back once they are spoken or written.
  2. Refrain from always giving your two cents. We all have personal opinions on how others should behave. And you might have a different way of doing something, but that doesn’t mean your way is better or that you are right. Unless you are asked, decide if your input is judgment.
  3. Look at your behavior. Do you judge others but not yourself? I’ve heard it said we are no better than the people we judge. Romans 3:23 says, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are saved by grace, not by what we do or who we are. Therefore, we are not in a position to judge others. Let God be the judge.
  4. Be intentional. Make it a point to catch yourself being judgmental during each day. Then pause, repent, and stop the habit of doing this. Habits are usually broken with awareness and intention.
  5. Change your perspective. You have not been appointed to judge. This is a perspective to keep in mind. God is judge and jury over mankind, not you or me. Stay in a position of humility.
  6. Give the person the benefit of the doubt. Consider how many times you have been judged unfairly. It hurts! So don’t turn around and do the same to other people. Love your neighbor as yourself. Assume the good.
  7. Consider your motive. Do you judge because you are insecure or need control. Judging others is often a way to hide our insecurities. It elevates us above others. Maybe you need more attention, or to feel accepted by others, or are afraid to get close to someone and don’t trust others. Whatever, the reason, get to the root.
  8. Get to know the person. Your judgments could be wrong or uninformed because you don’t know someone.
  9. Help but don’t insult. There are times we need to give our opinions or make decisions, but the way we do it matters. Do it in a way that honors another person, even if they don’t do the same in return.
  10. Forgive often. Don’t hold ill feelings or resentment towards others who have treated you poorly, forgive. And forgive over and over as this is another commandment given to those living in Christ. Forgive even when it isn’t deserved because this has been done for you. God forgave us when we didn’t deserve it.

Finally, don’t compare yourself to others. This is often what prompts judgment. It is God who makes us whole and gives us a sense of security. Be secure in who you are in Christ and develop compassion for others. Stop this negative habit of judging and chose the path of love.

About Dr. Linda Mintle

Dr. Linda Mintle is a national expert on relationships and the psychology of food, weight and body image.