Hope has always been a foundation of the Christian faith and science has finally caught on to the importance of hope. Hope plays a significant role in our health and mental health. It is associated with a lower risk of cancer, fewer sleep problems, higher psychological well-being, and social adjustment. Because of the importance of hope in fighting disease, we train doctors to provide hope no matter the diagnosis or health problem.
Hope means staying optimistic even when trouble comes. This doesn’t mean you deny the reality of problems. It is not some type of wishful thinking. No, hope is finding the silver lining in any situation. For the Christian, hope is based in Christ. It is knowing that God is faithful to complete what He began in us. Nothing will circumvent His plan for us if we surrender our lives to Him. Hope is the assurance that God will do as He promised.
So, when life gets difficult and you are tempted to give up and not hope, understand tribulation will come but you do not have to be overwhelmed by it. In fact, that same sense of momentary abandonment we sometimes feel was felt by Christ when He hung on the cross. But that despair gave way to the light of Easter morning. Easter brings hope. If God could do what He did on Easter, then what more does He have for us eternally? Easter is a glimpse of eternity.
Author Phillip Yancey says in his book, “The Jesus I Never Knew,” that Easter holds the promise of reversibility. Destruction and even death can be reversed because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross. Easter is the starting point. It is a preview of an ultimate reality. Our present lives are the contradiction of what is to come.
Yancey also points out that the physical scars Christ suffered remained on His transformed body as a reminder that painful memories may never completely go away, but the hurt of those scars eventually will. Remember this: Holy Week reminds us that darkness comes, but eventually gives way to a glorious light. One day, we all get a new start. Tears will be gone. Suffering will be no more. That day is promised to those who believe.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:4-5
This is the hope of the Resurrection! He is risen! He is risen indeed!