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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


Peering through grass
The Reconnect with Carmen LaBerge Daily Reconnect

How close is God? So close!

Carmen LaBerge

Life circumstances can lead us to believe God is absent, distant, or silently sitting on the sidelines of our life. Truth is, God is closer to you than your very next breath! In fact, the two breaths you just took while you were reading that sentence were actually further from you than God Himself! That’s hard to believe but 100% true. God is present right where you are, right now, and He’s got something to say. To come into deeper relationship with God So Close, we need only turn to Him and draw close. Becky Thompson shows us how.

In her new book, God So Close: Experience a Life Awakened to His Spirit Becky Thomspon invites us to specifically consider the Holy Spirit and to enter into a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. We often talk about a restored relationship with God the Father through the work of Jesus, God the Son, but the Holy Spirit is largely ignored. Why is that?

While some argue that the Holy Spirit is the shy member of the Trinity but Thompson suggests that the hesitancy resides with us. She helps us approach the Spirit, deepen our relationship with the Spirit, accept and use the gift of the Spirit, and respond to the person of the Holy Spirit as He works in, through and among us.

Do you think of the Holy Spirit as a person? He is. As one of the three members of the co-eternal triune God, the Holy Spirit is in dynamic relationship with the Father and the Son without discord. Their relational reality makes every relationship possible – including the relationship you have with God. Mysterious? Yes! And beautiful. Don’t you want more of that? I do! And Becky Thomspon is inviting us through God So Close.

Frances Schaeffer observed that “God is there and He is not silent.” But life circumstances can often leave us feeling as if God is not there, or, if He is there, He lost His voice. Becky Thompson counters with a clear message: God still speaks today. The question is: are we listening?

Becky Thompson God So Close

About Carmen LaBerge