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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

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On The Road

On the Road with Danny Gokey

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On The Road

Episode #322 — It’s easy to miss the significance when you first hear Danny Gokey say that one of his biggest goals on his latest record Jesus People is inclusivity. But then you remember we seem to be so divided at this point about nearly everything that something for everyone is actually revolutionary. Danny digs deeper.

“Some people, when they hear of Jesus, they’re like, ‘Well, you mean the inclusive one is the one that says Jesus is the only way to God? That doesn’t sound inclusive. It sounds exclusive.‘ But I explain it this way. ‘It sounds that way, but what if you are in a body of water? It’s deep. And I didn’t tell you about swimming? All I did was talk about this body of water. And I put you in the pool, and you didn’t realize the only way to survive in this pool is to actually swim? It’s not me being intolerant to say you need to learn how to swim before you go into this pool. It’s not me being closeminded to give you the instruction that you must learn how to swim.”

Danny connects the dots. The willingness to tell the truth can be life-giving.

“It’s the same thing. There is no other option outside of Jesus. For Him to say, ‘Oh, there’s more options besides Me’, would put your life at great risk and put you in danger of eternal death. So it is the most inclusive message. It sounds a bit exclusive, but it is the way to eternal life, and that’s the message we have.”

“A lot of times I hear people say, ‘I don’t want to tell so and so about Jesus, because I don’t want them not to like me.’ We won’t tell people the truth, because they’re afraid of how that’s going to make them look. They’re afraid people are going to not want to be friends with them anymore. But it’s the best thing you can do.”

Danny believes the good news we have is even more potent in these extreme days.

“So in this time when we’re so divided, we actually have the way to eternal life. And we actually have the way to love. And it might sound narrow minded, but it’s not. Because when you begin to follow Jesus, you start understanding that there is Joy unspeakable that you can’t find anywhere else.”

Danny Gokey is the tremendously talented recording artist with the brand new record record Jesus People just available wherever fine music is sold or streamed.

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About On The Road

How does faith shape the way we live in today's culture, communities, and in the public square? It's the question we tackle each week On The Road, and – along the way – we discover stories of courage, perseverance and hope!
Danny Gokey