When was the first time you realized that not everybody likes you? A painful moment, yes? It makes you so grateful for the ones who know the true you and love you still. And, it helps to know that Jesus lived a perfect, sinless, selfless life, and not everybody liked Him either.
Most of us can pinpoint our first memories or messages that told us we were not enough, we’re sorely lacking, and if we hoped to make it, we’d need to perform well, keep our mask in place, and refuse to let people see the real brokenness within us.
Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. God didn’t make us in His image only to have us shrivel under the assessments of others. We bear His Name and wear His righteousness. Jesus has a far higher opinion of us than we have of ourselves.
Why do so many of us still struggle with the idea that God enjoys us?
Likely because we’ve gone through a lot in life, we’ve received more than our share of messages that tell us a different story. But we don’t have to stay stuck here. We must not remain stuck here. We’ve got things to do, healing to experience, and a light to shine in this dark world.
Don’t you love people who—amidst their visible imperfections—have learned to enjoy their journey with God? They believe Him when He says He not only loves them; He truly likes them. They live loved.
I’ve noticed these dear souls seem to be comfortable in their skin; they don’t take themselves too seriously, and they enjoy the present moment with joy and gratitude, whereas the strivers tend to race right past the present, still pushing to prove themselves.
We’re all strivers by nature. We bend towards earning and find sincere gifts challenging to comprehend. Yet, as they say, the Kingdom is not something we achieve, but rather something we receive. What if we learned to live the receiving life? What if we decided to believe that God enjoys our company?
How can you know that God likes you?
The whole arc of scripture is about God’s purposeful, personal love for His people. He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us so we could live forever with Him. He wants to be with us!
Ephesians 3:12 says,
Now we can come fearlessly right into God’s presence, assured of his glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in him (TLB).
Whenever we run to Jesus, we can know that He’s always glad to see us!
Recently on Middays, I spoke with author Cyd Holsclaw about the book she co-authored with her husband, Geoff, “Does God Really Like Me? Discovering the God Who Wants to Be With Us.” She writes:
What if God is always moving toward you and not just keeping His distance? What if God likes you so much that He genuinely enjoys being with you? What if God appreciates you so much that He wants to partner with you to accomplish all His purposes in the world?
… Everything changes when we believe God is glad to be with us. It changes how we experience God’s presence. It changes how we live. It will change your life. When we trust that God wants to be with us, we learn to live as if we belong with God, as if we’re really wanted by God.
You’ve gone to significant measures to prove Your love for me. Your Word tells me that You think about me continually; You sing over me; You intercede for me. You don’t keep me at arm’s distance. You refuse to listen to gossip about me. You are for me. Teach me how to live loved. Help me to believe it, Lord. Heal me and change me from the inside out. I want to become everything You envisioned I could be. Thank you for never giving up on me. Amen.