Elisha and Daniel Kearns had been hoping and trying to have a baby for so long. Their journey had included dozens of doctor visits, tests, procedures, pain, and disappointment.
Just days after Elisha learned she was pregnant, she got the devastating news.
“I know exactly where I was when that phone call came in, and I remember her saying, ‘Elisha, I’m really sorry but your numbers have dropped, you’re going to miscarry.’”
Up until this point, Elisha knew God, but she’d never really had to rely on her faith. Most of her life had simply fallen into place. Her criteria for making choices was mainly to find what would be the easiest route.
Now she was at a point of desperation. Her doctor said her chances of conceiving were nearly zero without medical intervention. And even with help, it would be a long journey. What should they do? Should they continue trying the procedures her doctor recommended?
Elisha cried out to God and she began to sense that He was directing her not to proceed with medical help, but to wait on Him. For the first time in her life, she heard God speak. He spoke a promise that seemed too good to be true.
Hear Elisha’s story in Chapter 51 of Epic and learn more at WaitingForBabyBird.com