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Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths cover
July 25, 2024

00:00:28 / 00:24:58


Exhausted family after packing
The Unfolding with Meridith Foster

Learning to trust

Meridith Foster photo
Meridith Foster

Suzanne Happs had just come through a very hard season in life. God had led her family to a new job in a new state. But while they were there, her husband struggled to find a job, they couldn’t sell their previous home, and her son was struggling emotionally. Suzanne dealt with depression as she wondered why God had led her family to this valley.

“I have often said that through all of these trials, I feel like God takes me to a place where I learn to trust Him. Then I think, ‘OK, I got it.  I’m good.’ But then I learn a whole new definition, and it goes to a new level and deeper understanding of trusting Him.”

God was faithful and brought her family to the other side of that valley. Things had just begun to settle down and her family was finding peace. That’s when her employer asked her to move her family for a second time.

“My husband immediately felt peace. He was hearing ‘yes.’ I did not want to go, but I was not hearing the answer ‘no.’ Frankly, I kind of went kicking and screaming.”

Not long after they made the move, they discovered a health issue with which her son was dealing was much more serious than they had realized. Riley was a sophomore in high school and had been diagnosed with tarsal coalition, a birth defect which affected the bones in his feet. Previous doctors had believed Riley would need to complete puberty before the issue could be addressed.  But when a new orthopedic surgeon saw Riley, the news was much worse.

“He told us there’s a bigger issue going on. His feet were getting so bad, it was beginning to affect his ankles, knees, back, and hips. Eventually, it would affect his ability to walk.”

It was clear that Riley needed help now, and the doctors said it would likely take multiple surgeries to correct the problem. This seemed especially daunting since their health insurance had been through Suzanne’s husband’s job. When he quit his job for their move to a new state, they had lost their insurance. It seemed like an impossible situation. Suzanne wondered why God would take them through one hard season, just to bring them to another.

“I went through a whole lot of faith struggle. When we heard about Riley’s issue I thought, ‘Here we go again. We’re going through another valley.’ But my husband just kept telling me, ‘Remember, He brought us through the valley before, and He promises us that He’ll bring us through the valley again.’ I needed to be reminded of that.”

As Suzanne looked at the size of their need, she never could have imagined the great lengths God would go to provide for her family. He set divine appointments at the most unexpected times, to give their family everything they needed, including top-notch care for Riley at no cost to their family. It’s a stunning story of trusting God and his amazing provision.

Hear Suzanne’s story in Chapter 25 of Epic.

About Meridith Foster

Family , God , Hope , Stress , Trust